The fennel 100g apothecary counter
The fennel 100g apothecary counter
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The fennel 100g apothecary counter

The leaves of fennel dried are plants to prepare
Stock available 4


SKU: 2000292
The counter of an apothecary fennel 100 g


fennel contributes to urinary functioning and detoxification systems.

the fennel apothecary counter operating tips:

infusion: pour plants into boiling water. Infuse 5 to 10 minutes. reserved for flowers, delicate plants or aromatic odour. Decoction: pour plants in cold water, bring to boil a more or less long time (3 minutes for the leaves, 10 to 15 minutes for the bark and roots). Maceration: pour plants in a liquid: oil, alcohol, wine, vinegar or water at least 45 minutes to 2 hours. determination: 1 teaspoonful per cup 2-3 spoonfuls per litre.