Eafit Ripped Max Gel ABS 200ml
Eafit Ripped Max Gel ABS 200ml
Stock available 9

Eafit Ripped Max Gel ABS 200ml

Manufacturer: Eafit

Ripped Max Gel ABS is a gel vitalizer for ABS redesigned!
Stock available 9


SKU: 4866050
Eafit Ripped Max Gel ABS


Ripped Max Gel ABS helps improve tonicity and firmness of the skin and promotes drainage for enhanced slimming action and the redesigned ABS.

shares of Ripped Max Gel ABS:

action "Target fat": its high concentration of caffeine, green tea and guarana, helps accelerate combustion and elimination of fats at the abdominal level.

action 'Icicle effect': this ultra-fresh gel with menthol also tones the tissues and leaves the skin soft, supple and non-oily.

sculpt your body day after day!

operating tips:

apply 2 times a day, morning and evening, 3 nuts to each application for 10 days minimum. Massage the affected areas (ABS, chest, quadriceps...), preferably after showering for a better dissemination of the assets. If necessary, repeat the application after the meeting of sport.