The balance of your vaginal flora is delicate. Daily intimate hygiene contributes to maintaining it but sometimes inbalances can occur. In this event, only the use of adapted gynecological treatment can rebalance this delicate area.
In the case of occasional dryness, the vaginal gels from Replens or Mucogyne, for example, hydrate vaginal mucous membranes locally, to give them back their softness and elasticity.
To heal and repair microfissures of the vaginal mucous membrane caused by dryness, discover the hyaluronic acid eggs from Cicatridine.
Probiotics in the form of vaginal capsules also help to restore or maintain a balanced vaginal flora.
In the event of vaginal infections, vaginal itchiness, irritation or burning sensations can be soothed with the help of an adapted treatment, with an antiseptic gel which respects the physiological pH of your intimate hygiene. Then, after carefully drying the affected area, a soothing and moisturising Saforelle-type cream can be applied to the vulvo-vaginal mucous membranes.
Finally, discover also adapted gynecological products to deal with bacterial vaginosis orgenital herpes.