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Oxidative stress is one of the causes of ageing: it releases "free radicals" into the body which destroy cellular structures. When these free radicals are in excess, they can attack our most vital molecules and foster certain illnesses. To fight against oxidative stress, a diet rich in antioxidants is one solution for globel anti-ageing. Sanareva's pharmacists also suggest that you take in antioxidants in the form of dietary supplements such as those that can be found in this selection.
Veritable enemies against beauty and the youth of your skin, free radicals dehydrate the skin, dull the complexion, deepen wrinkles, causes the appearance of brown pigment spots... to fight against these molecules, Arkogélules Resvératrol from Arkopharma is made up of extracts of polgonum root and red vine, a natural source of antioxidants. Zinc completes the formula - a mineral known to protect cells against oxidative stress and to contribute to the maintenance of normal skin.
To fight against skin ageing, it is also important to protect the skin against ultraviolet rays (the primary external factor which generates oxidative stress) and against pollution, but also to adapt a skin routine adapted to your skins needs.